Entrepreneurial Journalism, a renewed hope

A seminar for journalism instructors (Cuenca, Spain, 2-6 June 2014) organized by the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Castilla-La Mancha under the sponsorship of the US Secretary Kerry’s Forum on Youth Employment.

The goal of this seminar is to train selected journalism instructors from different regions in Spain on Entrepreneurial journalism. It will include panels and workshops for lecturers, as well as open talks to university students. Participant professors would become promoters of Entrepreneurial journalism, which may be seen as a new employment niche for recent young graduates from journalism schools in Spain.

Entrepreneurial journalism, under development since 2008, refers to three distinct features. First, journalists are both promoters and shareholders of their own projects, with seed money coming from their own severance payments and other investors outside the major media companies. Second, the commitment to a digital model rather than traditional structures (paper and other fixed costs of distribution, promotion and sales). And third, the heavy use of social networking and personal branding as a driver of business promotion –blogs and Twitter are natural extensions of journalistic contents, introducing new revenue sources out of traditional advertisement.

There are 22 full-scholarships and 8 partial-scholarships. To be considered, please send your CV and a brief cover letter outlining your interests to juan.manfredi@uclm.es before 5th May 2014.



Facultad de Periodismo – University of Castilla-La Mancha

Campus universitario, s/n

16071 Cuenca – Spain


2nd-6th, June, 2014


Secretary Kerry’s Forum on Youth Employment: European Alumni Enrichment Seminar

Acerca de Juan Luis Manfredi

Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez es profesor titular de Periodismo de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y director académico del Observatorio para la Transformación del Sector Público, en el campus de ESADE Madrid. Escribe sobre relaciones internacionales, tecnología, diplomacia y comunicación estratégica. Es autor de numerosos libros y artículos sobre estas materias, fruto de los trabajos de campo realizados en el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación del Gobierno de España. Ha sido miembro del Consejo Científico del Real Instituto Elcano (2014-2019) y profesor habitual de distintas escuelas diplomáticas. Es miembro del consejo editorial de Esglobal.com, revista de referencia del periodismo internacional en español. Ha sido finalista del Premio Citi Journalistic Excellence Award 2015 en España.
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